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2021-09-23 14:03:39

1)X11有兩個部分組成,一個是X server,一個是X client;

  --運行在Mac上的是X server,Xserver主要負責顯示用戶界面,管理顯示器以及鼠標和鍵盤,把相關的動作告訴X client,通常比較多的Xserver是:windows的Xming和MobaXterm,MAC有Xquartz,以及其他各種Xserver的應用。

  --運行在遠端機器上的是X client,X client負責程序邏輯,X client根據(jù)程序預先設定的邏輯,告訴X server ,請在這了點擊鼠標,同時也就是sshd,ssh server的機器;


X11 Forwarding實現(xiàn)


3)X11實現(xiàn),大部分情況下Xserver和Xclient在同一臺機器上,看起來沒有什么,但是X server和Xclient完全可以運行在不同的機器上,只要彼此通過X協(xié)議通信即可。我們可以通SSH的X11 forwarding轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)實現(xiàn),遠程機器運行GUI程序(Xclient),在本地顯示(X server)




關于如何在Mac操作系統(tǒng)上實現(xiàn)X11的 Xserver展示遠端linux或者其他機器上的Xclient應用程序,具體可以參考如下鏈接:https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apple-osx-mountain-lion-mavericks-install-xquartz-server/?具體的過程可以大致分成幾個部分:

1. 需要安裝X server,我們通常可以通過安裝XQuartz來實現(xiàn),

  方法1,直接下載安裝即可:Visit?this page and download?XQuarz server for macOS. Once downloaded the XQuarz package, install the server by double clicking the package icon in your Downloads folder. Please follow the instructions on-screen to complete the installations:

  方法2:通過brew install --cask xquartz來實現(xiàn):Another option is to?install Homebrew on macOS?to use the brew package manager as follows using the Termaial app:


3. 關于server端的sshd和本地的ssh config的配置文件如何配置,可以參考:https://www.jianshu.com/p/24663f3491fa


你需要在你的遠程CentOS主機上配置OpenSSH服務,啟用X11 Forwarding。在OpenSSH的配置文件中(/etc/ssh/sshd_config),打開如下兩項:

1 AllowTcpForwarding yes
2 X11Forwarding yes




1 ForwardAgent yes
2 ForwardX11 yes
3 ForwardX11Trusted yes



  xeyes xclock firefox 等等






1. ssh -X user@remote-server?

2. ssh -Y user@remote-server

3. ssh -YC4 user@remote-server




ssh -YC4c arcfour,blowfish-cbc user@hostname firefox -no-remote


-Y      Enables trusted X11 forwarding.  Trusted X11 forwardings are not
         subjected to the X11 SECURITY extension controls.
 -C      Requests compression of all data (including stdin, stdout,
         stderr, and data for forwarded X11 and TCP connections).  The
         compression algorithm is the same used by gzip(1), and the
         “l(fā)evel” can be controlled by the CompressionLevel option for pro‐
         tocol version 1.  Compression is desirable on modem lines and
         other slow connections, but will only slow down things on fast
         networks.  The default value can be set on a host-by-host basis
         in the configuration files; see the Compression option.
 -4      Forces ssh to use IPv4 addresses only.
 -c cipher_spec
         Selects the cipher specification for encrypting the session.

         For protocol version 2, cipher_spec is a comma-separated list of
         ciphers listed in order of preference.  See the Ciphers keyword
         in ssh_config(5) for more information.






本文摘自 :https://www.cnblogs.com/

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